Welcome to the Troy Tactical Defense Website!
Whether you are in the military, law enforcement, or are a private citizen, we are here to assist you in the very best in quality, firearms training.
TTD is comprised of qualified instructors from a variety of backgrounds including that are specialized in education and training from the perspective of a private citizen. Our instructors' training and experience give them a strong understanding on how to properly educate students on fundamentals and advanced techniques alike.
Whether they be in-person or virtual, our courses are conducted in a friendly, relaxed environment that emphasizes safety and use. No matter what your level of expertise is, we have a class that can exceed your expectations. We encourage all of our students, from beginners to the more advanced, to challenge themselves by learning and reinforcing proper techniques in order to take their skills to the next level.
Below is our list of classes that are currently offered. If you are looking for a particular class and can't find it, please contact us to point you in the right direction!
We look forward to seeing you on the range and in the classroom!
At Troy Tactical Defense, our mission is to provide the general public, with a special emphasis for new handgun and rifle owners, the knowledge requirements of ownership, safe storage, and use of a firearm both as a tool for home defense or for concealed carry. However, unlike most training regimens, knowledge is simply the beginning.
In addition, we prepare our clients with the concept of situational awareness, the psychological and physiological effects the body and mind will experience when involved in a life-or-death incident, and the legal obligations and implications needed when owning a firearm in the great State of Michigan.
We believe that deciding to own and/or carry a firearm for self-defense is more than a right allowed by the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution; it is also an investment that must be explored carefully and with due diligence. Like any other tool, without education and continual training, not only could that tool be used recklessly, it could potentially endanger your life and the very loved ones that you are trying to protect.
Our Classes Specialize In The Following Areas:

This 5 hour course is Part 1 of the requirements necessary to acquire a Concealed Pistol License. Part 2 requires a separate registration for the 3 hours range time as required by the State of Michigan

This 2 hour course is a must for those that are either new to semi-auto pistol handgun shooting or need to refresh their skills with the basics. This includes understanding the basic components of a firearm for Self-Defense in addition to Defensive Shooting Fundamentals

This 3 hour course focuses specifically on the legal & lethal use of deadly force as a continuum, the aftermath of a defensive shooting, & how a shooting is evaluated by a prosecutor. Whether or not you want a CPL this course is a must for all civilian and retired law enforcement gun owners

This class is one of our most popular for new firearms owners. From memory songs to practice drills, We help firearm-owning parents learn the best methods to teach their children about firearm safety.

Self-Defense Firearms Basics course for anyone considering owning or carrying a firearm for self-defense.

Learn how to train in specifically methods of Defensive Shooting Fundamentals

This 2 hour course looks into the AR-15 weapon system. From its history, components, and basic maintenance tips, this course gives a great introduction into America's Rifle

This new 1 hour course covers the topic of pistol mounted optics. From their utility to best tips on sighting an optic, this course gives an introductory view into this new phenomenon in handgun use

This 1 hour course revolves around what current gadgets & gear one can, should, and should NOT use for certain firearms or situations. This course allows for a variety of free-reign questions so have fun!
Additional Resources
Explore the additional firearm training resources and services offered by Troy Tactical Defense.
These classes update themselves regularly

Our Pledge
At Troy Tactical Defense, our pledge is to ensure that our organization grows with the changing times -Which is why we offer both virtual & In-Class programs and services to promote the safe handling, use and storage of firearms, in a free-speaking safe environment with instruction from an experienced legal and private citizen-perspective

Group Sessions Are Available

At Troy Tactical Defense, firearm education and safety is paramount—Whether it is one individual, a community church group, or understanding the newest models and terminology, TTD has something for you.